If you are looking for a fundraiser, Great Lakes Goat Dairy would like you to consider joining our community of satisfied customers. Great Lakes Goat Dairy products are a great alternative to healthy fundraising activities. Our unmatched ability to ship directly to your home and assist in all aspects of your fundraising campaign makes us one of the best. 


$2 to $4 from every unit sold is your profit

We provide FREE delivery

We Provide FREE order forms

We assist in filling your orders

 As a practical and healthy fundraiser, it can be done at any time. You can do it monthly or quarterly, and even fundraise on an ongoing basis. 

We also pride ourselves on helping you fill special requests for gift ideas or company events. Our unique selection of firm goat cheeses are perfect for any time of the year, especially during the holidays!  Please get in touch with us!


 Email: info@greatlakesdairy.ca